
In Malaysia we have 4 airlines which is Malaysian Airlines System (MAS), AirAsia, Firefly and Malindo Air. But the most the biggest airlines is Malaysian Airlines System (MAS).
Flights attendance or cabin crew is also known as (steward/stewardesses, air hosts/hostesses, cabin attendants) are members of an aircrew employed by airlines primarily to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers aboard commercial flights, on select business jet aircraft, and on some military aircraft. Flight attendants are specially trained for the aircraft in which they work, since passenger safety is their foremost concern. Since airlines operate day and night flight attendants must have a flexible schedule. Basically they work not more than 12 hours per day but if have some cases such as in the event of overseas international flights they might work for 14 hours or more. The place of their work is for sure in the airplanes. To be a cabin crew of flight attendance is not easy and it has the requirement.
Before they  being a cabin crew they have been trained well by the airlines company in order to make sure that they have get used and prepare their selves to be a cabin crew such as they have to physically and mentally well prepare to take this job. They have to be confident to take responsibility. There are many requirements that they have to follow in order to be flight attendants.
<blink> Malindo Airplane </blink>
Malindo Airplane

<blink> AirAsia Airplane </blink>
AirAsia Airplane

<blink> Firefly Airplane </blink>
Firefly Airplane
<blink> MAS Airplane </blink>
MAS Airplane

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